The Secret Name of God
Mary's sacred heart message? Jewish Israeli heart!
If God is so good, why does God allow so much evil?
Why is Abraham so special?
How to defeat Islamofascism
Satan is a LAWYER!
Need money? Need better friends? Need healing?
Is Allah the God of the Bible?
Authentic Faith
How to defend Israel against Muslims, Islam
Grace is not mercy. Mercy is not grace.
The "lost" tribe of Dan
The Passover seder Echad
Paul the Pharisee "apostle to the gentiles"??? WHY??
Pharisees vs. Sadducees I'll take the Pharisees any day!
The lost sheep of Israel
God allowed Alexander to be great
Palestine? Yasser Arafat? WEB OF LIES!
Holy water is a distraction trick by DEMONS, not by the priest
Global false doctrine crisis
Episode 2 the crisis strikes back
The Western doctrinal issue
The Judaizers
THE false christ exists TODAY! Prepare your church!
Paul and Jesus at Mt. Sinai
Moroni the angel of Mormons
The first Mormon was murdered in a gunfight
A Jehovah's Witness is not a Christian
Noah's Covenant, a continuation of Adam's Covenant
Noah's Covenant, post-flood instructions
Clean vs. unclean animals finally explained!
Galatians: The most misunderstood scroll
Paul's thorn in the flesh
The mark of God during the Tribulation
Phillipians 2 is Isaiah 45 clarified
New Orleans Order: Food for thought
Will America accept the mark of the beast?
The mark of the beast
How to EFFECTIVELY witness to Muslims, Islam
Satan's plan for you, YES YOU!
Order of Events: The Day of the LORD
PRAYERREPORT.COM mission statement


Someone hacked into this link and erased my personal testimony before May 1, 2005. I did not notice until May 1, 2005. Satan is already aware and very angry at this site! The liar is already fighting against the existence of ADAAMinistries! The saving blood of Jesus be on this site, AMEN.

The hacker put German psychobabble on the site. If you the reader, ever find any foul language or any out of place message, please email me and let me know.

Ok so anyways... I have information to share with the world. I share it out of love. Yep, I love God and I love people. I am up until 4 am sharing the information God has given to me. No thanks is necessary, just send me money. Just kidding.

Send a prayer request. God and I are VERY close, because I listen to HIM.

My testimony.

My name is Mr. Ryan. I was born to a Catholic mother. I did not have a father, nor a step father. My mother did not inculcate Roman Apostolic dogma into me. She did take me to Mass several times a year. I was going to be baptized as an infant but my potential Godfather was killed in a car crash before I could be baptized. I chose to be baptized a Catholic at 13. When I was 13, I chose also to perform first communion, during Easter week. Years went by and I felt I was missing God in my life. I did not feel sure God was truly concerned for me. Like God wasn't aware of my existence.

In search of God's attention, I found a book called "The Born Again Catholic" which has the IMPRIMATUR stamp of printing approval of the Vatican. It has the NIHIL OBSTAT (no objection) stamp of doctrine appoval. The book is excellent. The book talks about the Pope being born again. It is a Catholic book and it correctly preaches the requirement that all Catholics be born again. The Bible requires that all Catholics be born of heaven (born again) in the Gospel of John, chapter 3.

Please read John, chapter 3, and email if you need clarification.

When I was 17 years old, a Junior in High School, I started to attend Vineyard non-denominational fellowship. I met some Catholics there, and some Protestants, but most interesting of all were the Jews. It made sense to me that Jews would understand the Bible best. I had been baffled by many Bible passages. But the Jews had specific logical interpretations for those same passages. And the Jews were not confused about any part of Bible, not even the book of Revelation. Yes, I am saying the Jews have the best interpretations. Their interpretation are the most logical. They wrote the Old Covenant scrolls.

It is common knowledge that Jesus was a Jew, and his mother was a Jew, she was a Jew. All the religious leaders Jesus ever met were Jews. All the Apostles were Jews, and they wrote the New Covenant letters.

If someone loves God, they will do his commandments.

If God came to earth and gave mankind instructions for a blessed life, would you accept God's will? HMM??

God came to earth several times, and left the same instructions each time.

I have been to Israel twice. I have had a personal relationship with Jesus since 16. God grabbed a hold of me early enough in my life, that I am still a virgin. I don't include this info to boast, but so that other Christians are encouraged. For the ladies who doubt me, men do lie about such things, but only if you are both alone in your room. But why would a man lie on a website about such a topic? Yes my specie is going extinct. There are some obedient Christians left, be encouraged Christians. So yes, the movie the "40 Year Old Virgin" isn't just fiction, it is a true story.

That is my testimony. I am not Jewish, nor do I want to be. I am not converting to Judaism and I never will. I want to understand the Bible. God has used Orthodox Jews and their books to correctly interpret many New Testament passages. With ADAAMinistries, I share the very little information I can offer. You will be blessed for sharing the website Adaam.org with your loved ones.

You can NOT, preach on T.V. or FILM or non-aired recording, preach any message or your paraphrased regurgitation of an article on this website, without expressed permission from Adaam.org.

You can repeat what you read on Adaam.org, with any congregation, with the condition that Adaam.org is given credit due. Even if Adaam.org assisted in only 1% of any message, credit must given to Adaam.org. Help tell the world about Adaam.org.

Also please pray for the protection of the writers of Adaam.org.

Several governments and religious leaders do not approve of many topics discussed on Adaam.org. Many governments are led by religious clerics. If you think all governments want fully informed, fact seeking tax payers, you are mistaken.

Some government clerics do issue decrees that condone violence as a means to terminate the sharing of historical and religious facts, i.e. Islamic Fatwah.

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