Here is the Bible verse that proves it, "FOR I (GOD) WILL GATHER ALL NATIONS AGAINST Y'RUSHALAYIM TO BATTLE..."
What part of "all nations against Jerusalem to battle" do you U.S. army soldiers not understand? Read Zechariah
chapter 14, yes all of it. It talks about those who fought against Jerusalem and their melting flesh... not good.
The U.S. army will be part of the anti-christ army. In fact, the U.S. army invented the gps microchip that will later
become known as the mark of the beast. The army is perfecting the chip as you read this. The chip can be bought as a tracking
device for your pet.
It is my belief that before the rise of the false messiah, Iran will use their Russian-made submarines to nuke the USA.
Regardless, even if America does or does not exist when the false messiah Maitreya gains global hegemony, Americans will be
among the first people in the world to take the mark of the beast.
In order for Americans to continue their regular materialism and oil dependency, allegiance to the beast and false messiah
will be necessary.
Who is easier to control in a global food shortage?
Poor people who eat small amounts of beans and rice?
or rich people in a habit of eating steak and lobster and anything they want, as much as they want, anytime they want?
Americans are spoiled. We are materialistic and most Christians will accept the mark of the beast because we are addicted
to "whenever we want". Eating or driving whenever we want.
Regardeless of whether America is perfectly intact, or destroyed by nuclear attack, 90% of Americans will accept the mark
of the beast in order to eat or drive as much as they are used to, and eat anytime they want, eat anywhere they want.