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article's purpose can create grave misunderstandings.
ADAAM is the name I go by. I do not have all the answers, but
I know who does have all the answers. BE AWARE, emailing permits ADAAM to reply to you, whether or not you want a reply. ADAAM
does not abide by any confidentiality agreement. Consider your email public domain. The Bible answer minister is not a licensed
minister, not a psychiatrist nor psychologist and never claimed to be so. The Bible answer minister is not responsible for
the actions or choices you make with the info ADAAM or anyone else, gives to you. The Bible answer minister tries to clarify
the original intent of each Biblical message in question. The Bible answer dude can be wrong.
ADAAM does NOT have
all the answers, however... ADAAM is in contact with the man who does have all the answers.
ADAAM can help
you get in contact with that answer man. The guy's name is YAHSHUA (Jesus)!
Having said that.. send as many emails
as you want with "Bible question" in the headliner so we know it's not cyber junk mail. please only ONE question per email.